
Puhdistettu rikkihappo, Akkumulaattorihappo

Tässä muodossa nimi ei esiinny kirjoissani. Puhdas ja väkevä laatu täyttänee farmakopeoiden vaatimukset

Suu auki Hoo-Moilasena. Kerrankin Ollila kellisti pullon, eikä päinvastoin

- the acid bottle (special corks) is from the 1930s, but the paper label from the 1960s

- weight 752 g + 40 g + 240 g, together 1032 g

- height without the corks 22.5 cm, with the corks 27.5 cm

- diameter 10.3 cm

- volume 1.0 liters

- scratched serial numbers 8/8/16, so the big cork is not from this bottle and doesn't fit well

- under this paper label is a corroded enameled label

- the paper label represents 1960s-1970s, glued by myself

- scratched weight appears

- LASIMALAAMO logo (glass painting works from the 1930`s) appears

- blown by mouth and polished by hand

- no chips

- the large cork is missing from the photos, but it looks like others in category IX

- condition 75% (if 100% would mean a new one)

- my own category IX

Taara kaiverrettuna pullon alaosaan. Lasimaalaamon leima todistaa, että alla on polttomaalauksen rippeet