Can`t get no grindin`

Ensimmäinen ostamani LP- levy Karhulan Kemuksesta v.1973

Auras on hauras

Ai, että siemen?
Vai, että vako?
Miten lienee
kyntöhommien jako?
Missä vika vehkeen
Auras on hauras
Missä vika vehkeen
Auras on hauras
En kyntään pysty
Kerro, missä vika vehkeen

Talkooapuun pappi ynnä lekurit
Ettehän vakoani kynnä, te apurit?
Missä vika vehkeen
Auras on hauras
Missä vika vehkeen
Auras on hauras
En kyntään pysty
Kerro, missä vika vehkeen

Helppoa kauraa, helppo on nauraa
Ohjaat kuuden tuuman teräsauraa
Missä vika vehkeen?
Auras on hauras
Missä vika vehkeen
Auras on hauras
En kyntään pysty
Kerro, missä vika vehkeen

Auras on hauras
Auras on hauras

Kyntää yritin pitkin ja poikin
Mut kynnetön - itkin - miten voikin
Missä vika vehkeen?
Auras on hauras
Missä vika vehkeen
Auras on hauras
En kyntään pysty
Kerro, missä vika vehkeen


Can`t get no grindin`     

I had a little corn
I put it in a sack
I get to the mill
and had to bring it right back
What's the matter with the mill
Done broke down
What's the matter with this mill
Done broke down
I can't get no grinding
Tell me what's the matter with the mill

Some people said that a preacher won't steal
I caught one down in my corn field
What's the matter with the mill
Done broke down
What's the matter with the mill
Done broke down
I can't get no grinding
Tell me what's the matter with the mill

One had a bush and one had a peck
The other had the cornfield round his neck
What's the matter with the mill
Done broke down
What's the matter with the mill
Done broke down
I can't get no grinding
Tell me what's the matter with the mill

Done broke down
Done broke down

You don't know the way I feel
I got some more weevil in my corn field
What's the matter with the mill
Done broke down
What's the matter with the mill
Done broke down
I can't get no grinding
Tell me what's the matter with the mill