Don`t Believe a Word
Älä usko sanaakaan
Mun silmiini älä luota
Valetta kaikki, vastaan
Mun silmiini älä luota
Etenkin, jos ne muka sua / rakastaa
Mun silmiini älä luota
Jos ne silleen sua katsoo
Ja jos ne sanoo, et sua rakastaa
Kuvittelet vaan
Älä usko sanaakaan
Sanat on sanoja vaan
Ja sun sydämen viel saa
Ne murtumaan
Älä usko sanaakaan
Miten sinut saan
Sanal sen tajuumaan
Valetta sanat on vaan
Mun silmiini älä luota
Valetta kaikki, vastaan
Mun silmiini älä luota
Etenkin, jos ne muka sua / rakastaa
Älä usko sanaakaan
Mutta korviaan on pakko uskoa!
Don`t Believe a Word
believe me if I tell you
Not a word of this is true
believe me if I tell you
Especially if I tell you that I'm in love
with you
believe me if I tell you
That I wrote this song for you
might be some other silly pretty girl
I'm singing it to
believe a word
For words are only spoken
Your heart is like a
Made to be broken
believe a word
Words can tell lies
And lies are no comfort
there's tear in your eyes
believe me if I tell you
Not a word of this is true
believe me if I tell you
Especially if I tell you that I'm in love
with you
Don't believe a word